Join us and Save Human Civilization and Life on Planet Earth! [1]
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We stand for human beings using our reason and keeping public policy reasonable. We stand for a complete separation of Church and State, as the United States Constitution requires. We stand for tolerance for all Faiths in the private, spiritual domain, and for our human intelligence, our logic and our reason to determine what policy our government must take at this critical time in history. We understand that we need to use our minds, and the scientific method, to form a public policy that is aligned with Natural Law, so we can live in harmony with, and as part of, our environment.
Currently, in 2021, we humans face our most difficult and our most critical, vital trial. We face a horrible overpopulation and pollution crisis that is producing: a lowered quality of life for all humankind and all life; mass extinction of species; a dangerous militarization by many of the nations on Earth; a fundamentalist religious growth that is destroying freedom for all people and endangering our future; and more.
We ask all people, everywhere, to remember that there is no conflict between Reason and Faith, between Science and Religion. As Jesus Christ said "Give to Ceasar what is Ceasar's, and give to God what is God's". This means very clearly that Faith and Religion belong in the private, the spiritual realm, while Reason and Science must determine what our governmental and public policy must be. As the wonderful fresco by Raphael, above, shows, In Aristotle's Cosmology, each of these four elements (earth, water, fire and air) had a weight. Earth was the heaviest, water less so, and air and fire the lightest. According to Aristotle the lighter substances moved away from the center of the universe and the heavier elements settled into the center. Aristotle, with his four-elements theory, held that all change on Earth was owing to motions of the heavens. Both Aristotle and Plato, like the Catholic Church more than a thousand years later, believed that the Earth was the center of the Universe.
In Rafael's fresco, an elderly Plato stands at the left, pointing his finger to the sky. Beside him is his student Aristotle. In a display of superb foreshortening, Aristotle reaches his right arm directly out toward the viewer. Each man holds a copy of their books in their left hand—Timaeus for Plato and Nicomachean Ethics for Aristotle. Plato’s gesture toward the sky is thought to indicate his Theory of Forms. This philosophy argues that the “real” world is not the physical one, but instead a spiritual realm of ideas filled with abstract concepts and ideas. The physical realm, for Plato, is merely the material, imperfect things we see and interact with on a daily basis. Interestingly, some people believe that Raphael used Leonardo da Vinci’s face for Plato, based on similarities from his self-portrait. Conversely, Aristotle’s hand is a visual representation of his belief that knowledge comes from experience. Empiricism, as it is known, theorizes that humans must have concrete evidence to support their ideas and is very much grounded in the physical Earth-bound world.
In Alexandria, Egypt, in the third century b.c., Aristarchus of Samos [2], a student of the Aristotelian Strato of Lampsacus [3] (?-270? b.c.), calculated the relative distances of the Sun, Earth, and Moon from one another by measuring the Moon-Earth-Sun angle as it changed through the various phases of the Moon. His observations and calculations showed that that Sun was about 20 times the moon's distance from the Earth, and that the Sun was much larger than the Earth or Moon. His method was sound, but his primitive instruments impaired his results. In fact, the Sun is about 390 times the Moon's distance from the Earth. He further reasoned that since the sun is so large and so far away, it must also be proportionately greater in weight. Aristarchus's correct conclusions that the Sun is larger and more massive than the Earth, and so distant, led him to suppose that the universe is heliocentric. He was the first major thinker to suggest such a theory and to support it with empirical data. His book, On the Sizes and Distances of the Sun and Moon, survives, but all his writings on heliocentrism are lost. Thus his heliocentric theory is not known in detail, and is only known at all through reports by Archimedes (287?-212 b.c.) in the third century b.c. and Plutarch in the second century a.d.
Science proved both Plato and Aristotle wrong, (although Aristotle came much closer to scientific truth than Plato) and this is one of the greatest errors of the Catholic Church, and of Religion in general, in all of history. We are not singling out the Catholic Church for wrongdoing here, rather we are using a classic case of religious wrongdoing that harmed, not only Copernicus and Galileo who correctly understood that the Earth revolved around the Sun, but all of humanity which suffered a dark and evil period of censorship, darkness, and repression on Earth; to make our point that similar erronious religious edicts and beliefs by Christianity, Catholicism, Islam and Judiasm (to name just a few of the current major religions which are harming freedom, quality of life, and our chances of survival by clinging to ancient doctrine created by fallible humans - not by Jesus or other actual religious figureheads, but by the religions' administrative and political leaders who came later), are causing us great harm; and that it is time for these religions to change, so that we humans may survive as a civilization, and so that our quality of life can remain high and indeed improve, and so that other beautiful forms of life may survive with us on this beautiful planet Earth, our Home, and the natural habitat for all of us, all species on Earth.
In short we call on all Religion, worldwide, to cease and desist calling for increased population growth, to cease and desist outlawing contraception, and to stop claiming that religious political and administrative leaders are infallible. (Clearly they are humans and as such, are fallible. People do make mistakes, after all.) Thus we call on the Catholic Church to nullify their belief in the "Infallibility of the Pope". Thus we call on all Christian and Catholic religions (and all others which are against contraception) to cease and desist on any anti-contraception speech or rules or laws. Jesus never said anything against contraception. Churches' edicts against contraception are responsible for both unwanted children, and thus many abortions, and for human overpopulation - which is lowering the quality of life for humans, driving other species to extinction and threatening our very survival. Every few hundred or thousand years religions do change, and now is the time for another major change in religion. Let us, as reasonable people of faith, embrace this change, knowing that God gave us reason and minds to use.
Some misguided people, today, who may call themselves "pronatalist", and who look at future predictions of negative population growth (meaning that population will decrease in the future, instead of continuing to increase), and see this as a problem, are wrong or are not thinking clearly. Some of them may believe that African and Arab and Asian populations are in the process of "replacing" or at least are overtaking the Caucasian, European-based ethnicities that have traditionally been the majority of the population in countries like the US, the UK, Europe, Canada, Australia and New Zealand; and they are right - this is indeed happening, as is the Hispanicization of the US population because of such massive immigration. And they are right to be concerned about this. In a century there may be no nations left on Earth where Caucasians of European ancestry are the majority of the population if immigration is not stopped. And this is a problem. There will be African majority countries, Asian majority countries, Arab majority countries, Hispanic majority countries, but there will not be any Caucasian of European ancestry majority countries left if we do not take action now. The answer, however is NOT to ask Caucasian of European ancestry peoples to engage in a population contest (or a population war) by having as many babies as possible (this is what the Jews and Israelis and the Arabs and the Islamic countries are doing, many quite publically like Erdogan's Turkey), as some of these pronatalist people are doing, rather it is to stop immigration, or at least make it two-way, so that for every Mexican or Nigerian allowed to immigrate to the US, for example, that one American must desire to emigrate to Mexico or Nigeria (using these two countries which have horrible overpopulation problems and which are trying to export their population as much as they can, as examples); we thus would have people effectively changing places or trading places - that can always be allowed (we would probably have to outlaw dual - or multi - nationality - one cannot serve two masters!), and it is all that should be allowed in the form of immigration at this point. The Africans, Arabs, Islamics and Asians may not like this and they may try to stop this, using big words like "racist", etc., but their race's control of nation states is not in jeapordy at all, while Caucasian of European ancestry peoples' control of their nation states is very much eroding and is seriously and presently at risk. Understanding this allows one to understand that it is the Africans, Arabs, Asians, Islamics or Hispanics' position that is racist.
There are over 50 countries with a majority of people who are "Black", comprising about 1.5 billion people. Africa still has a fast-growing population growth rate of about 2.5 %. Additionally, there are over 150 million "Black" people in the US, Brazil, etc. India has a population approaching 1.5 billion, and China has about 1.5 billion people, with another quarter-billion plus of ethnic Chinese overseas. There are over 20 countries where the majority of the population identifies as having Hispanic origin, with over 650 million people! There are about 20 countries which are primarily "Arab" and their population totals about 500 million people. There are only about 20 countries with a majority of Caucasian of European origin population and their population totals about 750 million people, of which 150 million are Russians, and 200 million are "Black" and 100 million are Hispanic, leaving only about 300 million Caucasian of European origin remaining. There are about 50 countries which are majority "Islamic" and their population totals about 2 billion and is still fast-growing. In the USA today, about 59% of the population is Caucasian and of European descent. About 20 % is Hispanic, about 15 % is "Black", and about 1.2 % call themselves Arab. Christians make up 67% of the population, Catholics comprise 23 %, Jews 2.5 %, Muslims 1.2%, Buddhist 1% and Hindu about 0.5%. About 70 % of Canada is Caucasian of European origin, 6 % is of Chinese origin, 3.5% Moslem, 1.3 % Hispanic, 1 % Jewish and 0.8% Arab. By contrast, China, India, Africa, the Arab countires, most Asian countries, and most Hispanic countries are close to 99% one race, and Caucasians of European descent represent less than 1% of the population. Thus countries in Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and most of Central and South America are not integrated the way the US, Canada, and Europe are.
The other reason why these "pronatalist" people desire continued population growth is economic and is due to current bad government and public policy, which is spending far too much money and incurring far too much debt (both economic and health-environmental debt). No administration and no generation is paying its own way - rather they are spending the money now irresponsibly and fraudulently leaving future generations of taxpayers to pay the bill. This is clearly taxation without representation. These people correctly understand that without continued population growth, the government cannot pay its debt or service it, and the government cannot pay for the pension plans and social security and retirement plans that it is currently guaranteeing. Furthermore these people know that the only way for there to be many continued easy opportunities to become rich in business or real estate is if population growth is continued. This, too, is faulty reasoning, since quality of life does not depend on becoming rich, but rather on a healthy environment which does not harm ones health; on freedom and liberty, on home ownership and land ownership, on great affordable health care, on healthy and inexpensive food, housing, energy, transportation, etc., and on a low population density. Imagine how nice it would be if the world's population were gradually reduced to 1 billion or even 100 million people. Housing would be dirt cheap, and everyone could be very well housed for less than one month's pay, probably. Food costs would decrease so far that all food production would be organic and dangerous chemicals and pesticides would not be used at all, and food would be so inexpensive. We could all have a very high-tech life with fantastic medical care and we could even continue to use fossil fuels on the few occasions when renewables weren't providing enough energy, and because the population base would be so small, the occasional use of non-renewables would not even cause global warming. Of course it would be super-easy to have sufficient renewable energy to cover all the planet's needs. We could preserve ice at the poles, possibly, if we stopped polluting this decade, and thus preserve the atmospheric and oceanic currents which provide rain for drinking water and for agriculture and sustenance and life to all the creatures on Earth. We could really have a paradise right here on Earth if only we could stop polluting (and this includes dangerous plastic use, which plastic deteriorates into micro and nano plastics which lodge in the human brain and cause us cognitive decline which probably leads to insanity), and stop over-populating. Thus these "pronatalsits" are very wrong, and their ideology is a very harmful one to us as well as to planet Earth and all species on the planet.
Overpopulation is the root cause of war, disease, famine, and extinction of species - and it must be stopped. Thus we also call on Judiasm and Islam to stop overpopulating the Earth with a "population war" - erroniously thinking that the more believers, the stronger the religion. The Old Testament's "Go forth and procreate" actually refers to all species multiplying their numbers on Earth. It was meant for a time when the Earth was sparsely populated. God would never say such a thing in this overpopulated age today!
- Genesis 1:22 - And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth.
- Genesis 9:7 - And you, be ye fruitful, and multiply; bring forth abundantly in the earth, and multiply therein.
- Genesis 9:1 - And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth.
These lines above are not meant for modern humans and are not meant for the modern age, and Jews and Christians have been using them to justify a horrible and continuing overpopulation that is killing off all species except humans, and which, if left unchecked, will surely kill most of us off, too. It must be stopped. People must learn to separate Church and State. Governments must stop using thousand-year-old words from religious texts to justify bad public policy. It is literally killing us and all other species on earth. This cannot be allowed to continue.
Doesn't the Old testament also say not to build your houses one on top of the other? By violating this, as we have been for millenia, we are overpopulating the Earth. How easy it is for religious and political leaders (who quite often are neither truly wise nor intelligent, and who are quite often corrupt) to pick and choose quotes from their religious texts as they please - choosing go forth and multiply, but not prohibiting apartment buildings and skyscrapers.
Doesn't the Koran say that the end of the world is very near when Nations are competing to build the tallest buildings? Haven't many countries been doing exactly this for decades now? Especially Muslim countries?
This gets to the heart of the matter. Good people, reasonable people like ourselves, do not seek the end of the world. We strongly believe that government MUST do everything in its power to prevent the end of the world from happening. We love life, and planet Earth, wih all of its wonderous flora and fauna; its marvelous species of plants and animals. Its oceans, lakes, rivers and streams. Its mountains, meadows, forests, prairies, coastlines, beaches, islands, deserts and valleys. We do not want to see the Book of Revelations come true on Earth; neither do we seek the Paradise that Islam seeks to happen here on Earth. Only crazy religious fanatics desire the end of the world, and we demand that government stop listening to them - that the separation of Church and State be strictly enforced, and right away, because the end of our civilization is indeed drawing ever nearer due to overpopulation and pollution.
It is perhaps time to deny the fanatically religious access to weapons, since they do not act in a reasonable manner and since they actually desire the end of the world! Doing so would make the world a safer place for the rest of us.
We take to task Turkey and their horrible president Erdogan and his policy of encouraging population growth by erroniously claiming that Muslim women have a religious duty to have a lot of children. His very words are a crime against humanity, as well as a crime against the planet and all other species. Nowhere did Mohammad encourage more than one or two children per couple - and one to two children per couple is all the world can afford. We call on Islam and Judiasm, Christianity and Catholicism, Hinduism and all religions to recognize that there is a severe overpopulation problem on planet Earth, and to encourage one to two children families - for the survival of us all.
We also call for an end to this disastrous idea that because the Old Testament contains the words that God gave dominion over the Earth and all its creatures to Man; that such words give humans the right to overpopulate the planet and drive other species into extinction - the most horrible of crimes - to kill off an entire species. First of all we repeat once again that a reasonable person does not believe in the words of the Old Testament - which were written two thousand years ago and were not meant for the modern age, nor for modern man. Secondly, such words mean the exact opposite of how they have been hertofore interpreted - they connotate an immense responsibility that Man has to shepherd, protect and care for all the other species on the planet.
Indeed we have only recently come to understand that planet Earth itself is a giant organism which is in a kind of balance - of temperate middle zones along with freezing poles, and of the symbiosis, cooperation and interdependance of millions of different species - all of which play an important role in making the Earth a beautiful natural world where God's and Nature's creatures and creations live together in a harmonic balance. We can no longer allow wrongful and harmful religious beliefs and edicts to harm this balance - because our survival is now at stake.
Thank you for your thoughts and prayers on this and on helping religion to change, slow as it does; as it must, for us all to survive.
God Bless.
Matt Hooker [4]
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